Labor market
Number of citizens of working age - 2016:
- Male - 65 844
- Female - 63 946
- Employed - 124 729
- 59 educational institution of which 11 Professional Secondary Schools
- 12 001 students of which 5 080 in the Professional Secondary Schools
- 3 144 high-school graduates of which 1 152 Professional Secondary Schools graduates
- 2 067 university graduates
Burgas prides itself on the system of foreign language secondary schools where after a year of intensive study of a foreign language the students switch to studying main subjects in the respective foreign language.
There are 6 foreign language secondary schools are German, English, Russian, French, Italian and Span ish. 90% of the graduates of German Language school receive Schprachdiplom (Certificate for German Language Proficiency).
98% of the students enrolled in secondary schools in Burgas study a foreign language, 73% study at least two foreign languages.
- 8 819 students in language schools and professional high schools
- 11890 university students / yearly
- 1879 university graduates for 2015
- 2 089 students are studying 1 foreign language
- 1 672 students are studying 2 foreign languages
- 140 253 citizens-own computer and has internet access