Climate change mitigation and adaptation are global challenges that require urgent mobilization at all levels. Sectoral, local and even individual efforts to limit the harmful impact of human activity on the environment are key to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth 'within the limits of the planet'.
The ICT industry is responsible for a significant and ever-increasing share of global greenhouse gas emissions. Energy consumption and waste generation from products used and produced in the sector accounted for between 1.8 and 2.8% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2020.
On the other hand, the role of innovation and information technology in achieving the ambitious goals of recovery of natural capital and resource efficiency is beyond doubt. Digital technology developments have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030.
Companies from the ICT sector are both part of the problem and part of the solution. The transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy is a challenge, but also an opportunity to develop and implement new business models and technologies.
Information and communication technologies must be developed in favor of a cleaner nature, healthier and successful communities, sustainable and climate neutral economies.
A climate-neutral and resource-efficient ICT industry is a completely achievable goal and depends on all stakeholders – producers, service providers, consumers.
The way we do business can unlock vast opportunities for sustainable interaction with other sectors, to make a real contribution to the global effort for environmentally sustainable growth.
Achieving the goals set in international, European and national climate policies starts with changing the behavior of every single professional, team and company working in the field of information and communication technologies. The "Commitment to Green Transformation of the ICT Sector" initiative aims to translate into real action:
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals related to the fight against climate change, the protection of natural resources, sustainable cities and communities.
- The objectives of the European Green Deal to make Europe the first continent with net zero emissions by 2050
- The recommendations of the "Digital Bulgaria 2025" Program to promote the use of ICT in "sectors of high public interest, including the environment".
- The implementation of the main principles of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2021 - 2027 for "a new paradigm of innovation policy aimed at addressing global challenges, transforming the economy and society to achieve socially significant results" , including dealing with climate change.